Apparitions Show

The show “Apparitions" presents the work of experimental artists who explore the concept of parallel realities, which as we know, some people witnessed.

Искусство и культура 16+

The experience of these witnesses penetrated our culture through the various stories and myths about ghosts, spirits and apparitions. The exhibition is curated around the idea that there may be parallel realities existing simultaneously in the vast expanse of outer space or… in your cup of morning coffee. Upon entering the space, visitors are immediately transported to a world that is both familiar and otherworldly, as they encounter a diverse range of artistic perspectives on the concept of parallel realities. Throughout the exhibition, visitors are encouraged to engage with the artworks in a playful and imaginative way, contemplating the possibilities of alternative universes and the idea that reality may be more complex and mind blowing than we have ever imagined. Whether exploring the mysteries of outer space or the mundane details of our daily lives, seen from mystical perspective, Apparitions" offers a thought-provoking and visually stunning showcase of contemporary art that invites visitors to consider the possibility of parallel realities in a whole new way. Artists list: Olga Vishnevetskaya, Anatoly Fedorov, Yaroslav Maksimov, Myakonkina Vlada, Ebenezer Agboola, Tatyana Schelokova, Sergei Vorobev, Polina Burushina, Lavrenteva Elizaveta, Ivan Durnev, Svetlana Sychova, Irina Purtova, Elena Vlasova, Semen Ushkov, Alena Tokareva, Alex Simachev.


1710 дней назад
1 июля 10:44 — 8 июля 2020 12:44

Vitebskaya Street, 4
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